Monday, May 18, 2020

A Quick Global Update

In general the situation around the world is improving every day with the various lockdown strategies having the desired effect and reducing both the over rate of infection (new cases per 100K population) and the rate of growth (measured as Weekly Growth Rate - New Cases).

The high level view looks like the chart below, with a zoomed in version below that.

A large number of countries have moved downwards and to the right since my last update (which is good news) but there are still several causes for concern.

The big outlier in terms of rate of infection is Qatar - the reported data suggests a level over 350 cases per 100K population (I've replaced the value with 200 to avoid compressing the scale too much) and the rate of growth is still significant. Interestingly it's not the only gulf state still in growth with Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia all featuring in the growth segment.

The other notable group is in South America where Brazil continues to grow whilst having a large number of cases in both relative and absolute numbers. However, we can also see Ecuador, Peru and Chile at risk of an ever increasing number of cases which could cause considerable loading of local health resources.

It looks like Russia has hit the plateau of new cases and is just starting to decline and the same can also be said for Sweden.

Other potential dangers areas with low current cases but a high rate of growth are South Africa, Argentina, Bangladesh and Columbia - hopefully these will not experience rapid rates of growth, but could be concerns over the coming weeks.

As an experiment, I've put some of the data from the analysis above into a new mapping widget (see below). Here we see the rate of new cases per 100K population with the countries coloured in accordingly. I have to say that although there are quite a few issues with the widget, the overall map is not too bad in identifying some of the clusters mentioned above with the Gulf States and South America clearly drawn out. I just wish I had more control over the colouration, scaling and positioning to draw the map I really want to. Oh, well, the search for better mapping tools continues...

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